From Insight to Impact: Coaching for Dynamic Women Leaders


  • Those seeking clarity and direction.

  • A comprehensive initial assessment, one 90-minute discovery session, and a customized action plan.

  • Gain a clear vision and direction with actionable strategies and personalized goals.

Coaching Packages


  • Those looking for ongoing growth.

  • An initial assessment, five one-on-one coaching sessions (60 minutes each), a customized action plan, progress tracking, and email and Voxer support between sessions.

  • Enjoy consistent support and guidance, ongoing development, and the ability to adapt strategies as needed.


  • Those ready for a holistic transformation.

  • 2-3 personalized assessments, ten coaching sessions (60 minutes each), a personalized development plan, a customized action plan, progress tracking, and email, phone, and Voxer support.

  • Gain deep insights, embark on a holistic transformation, enjoy enhanced resources, and achieve sustained transformation.

Getting Started with Coaching

Embarking on your transformative journey with Lives of Courage is a simple and streamlined process designed to get you started on the path to empowerment and success.

Here’s how you can begin:

  1. Explore Our Coaching Packages:

    • Learn more about the range of coaching packages we offer. Each package is designed with your growth in mind, providing detailed information to help you understand the various features and benefits available. Whether you are looking for leadership development, stress management, or holistic transformation, you’ll find options tailored to meet your needs.

  2. Schedule a Complimentary Consultation:

    • Once you’ve reviewed our coaching options, the next step is to schedule a complimentary consultation with Jessica Stong. This session is an opportunity for you to discuss your goals, challenges, and aspirations. Jessica will help you explore how coaching can support your unique journey, answering any questions you might have and guiding you towards choosing the most suitable package for your development goals.

  3. Begin Your Personalized Coaching Experience:

    • With the right package selected, you’ll start your coaching experience with Jessica Stong. Your journey will kick off with an in-depth assessment to further customize your action plan and development strategy. From there, you will engage in regular coaching sessions, with consistent support and progress monitoring to ensure you remain on track towards achieving your goals.

Throughout your time with EmpowerYOU, Jessica will be there to provide expert guidance, practical strategies, and the motivational support you need to transform your personal and professional life. Let’s get started on building a brighter, more empowered future for you today!

“You are not alone. Working with Lives of Courage has revolutionized the way I see my purpose and myself.”


Our services

Spiritual Direction

A safe space for leaders to process their journey, open up to God’s presence, and stay grounded through life's opportunities and challenges. In this unique one-to-one relationship, you'll be supported as you explore your spiritual and emotional growth, fostering a sense of connection and purpose. Through compassionate guidance, you'll discover new insights and strengthen your resilience.


Our personalized coaching programs are designed for women leaders who are navigating the demands of running a business, managing a family, and striving for personal fulfillment. Through one-on-one sessions, we focus on stress management, goal setting, and leadership development. Each program is tailored to address the unique challenges you face, empowering you to transform stress into strength, achieve your ambitions, and create a balanced, fulfilling life.


Visit Stong Consulting for more information.


Coming Soon.

Why Choose Coaching with Lives of Courage

Our EmpowerYOU coaching program is more than “just” another program — it's a transformative experience tailored to help female leaders like you achieve both personal and professional success. Guided by Jessica Stong, a seasoned coach with over 20 years of experience, EmpowerYOU stands out as the premier choice for women who are ready to enhance their lives and leadership abilities. Here’s why EmpowerYOU is the ideal partner in your journey toward empowerment and growth:

Expert Coaching by Jessica Stong

Jessica Stong brings over two decades of coaching expertise, specializing in supporting female leaders through their unique professional and personal challenges. Her approach is deeply rooted in understanding the distinct needs of women in leadership, making her an invaluable guide on your journey.

  • Seasoned Expertise: With 20 years of experience, Jessica has a proven track record of success, helping female leaders from various industries and backgrounds to achieve their goals. Her insights are informed by a rich career working with prominent European companies and a diverse range of clients.

  • Personalized Support: Jessica is committed to understanding and addressing the specific challenges you face. She combines professional guidance with personal support to help you navigate career transitions, enhance leadership skills, and improve overall well-being.

  • Empathetic and Results-Oriented: Jessica’s coaching is tailored to foster strength and resilience, encouraging you to overcome obstacles with confidence while staying aligned with your core values and goals.

Customized and Holistic Approach

EmpowerYOU is designed to cater to your unique needs, ensuring that every aspect of the coaching experience is personalized to maximize your growth and success.

  • Tailored Coaching Packages: Jessica works closely with you to create customized coaching plans that directly address your individual goals. Whether you need to develop specific leadership abilities, enhance communication skills, or achieve a better work-life balance, EmpowerYOU offers the flexibility and depth to meet your needs.

  • Comprehensive Development Plans: Recognizing that true transformation involves more than just professional growth, Jessica develops comprehensive personal development plans that encompass all areas of your life. From emotional intelligence and stress management to physical health and social connections, every aspect is integrated into your holistic transformation journey.

  • Action Plans with Regular Monitoring: Stay on track with detailed action plans and regular progress monitoring. Weekly or biweekly check-ins ensure that you have ongoing support and accountability, making it easier to make adjustments and continue making progress towards your goals.

Flexible and Supportive

We understand the busy lives of female leaders, which is why EmpowerYOU offers flexible scheduling and continuous support to make your coaching experience as convenient and effective as possible.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Sessions with Jessica are arranged to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, ensuring that your journey to empowerment doesn’t disrupt your daily responsibilities. Choose from in-person meetings, virtual sessions, or a combination of both, depending on what works best for you.

  • Adaptive Learning: EmpowerYOU adapts to your evolving needs. As you grow and your goals shift, Jessica’s approach will change dynamically to match your new objectives, providing you with the right tools and strategies at every step of your journey.

  • Encouragement and Motivation: Beyond just coaching sessions, Jessica provides ongoing motivation and support. She’s there to remind you of your strengths, celebrate your successes, and encourage you when you face challenges.

Choose EmpowerYOU and Jessica Stong for a coaching experience that’s truly aligned with your needs and aspirations. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock your full potential as a leader and individual. Your path to empowerment starts here!


  • With a Master’s in psychology, I am adept at translating the mechanisms of behavior change and cognitive behavioral interventions. I leveraged this therapeutic training to transition into a career in coaching, backed by certifications in executive coaching and spiritual direction. I've had the privilege of guiding a diverse array of clients, ranging from corporate professionals in Europe to spiritual leaders in the US. Driven by a passion for empowering others, I also founded the Cycle of Courage coach training program and curated several other courses. These have enabled me to mentor aspiring coaches and therapists across the globe, adding an invaluable layer to my coaching experience. But most importantly, I’ve lived this work for years. I know where you are and I can validate, support and encourage you along your way.

  • Coaching is a versatile and effective approach that can benefit individuals from various walks of life. Whether you're seeking personal growth, professional development, or navigating life transitions, coaching can provide valuable insights, support, and guidance. The success of coaching ultimately depends on your commitment, openness to change, and active participation in the process. By working collaboratively with a skilled provider, you can uncover your strengths, overcome obstacles, and achieve your desired outcomes. It's important to find a coach whose expertise aligns with your goals and values to maximize the effectiveness of the coaching relationship.

  • Coaching primarily focuses on facilitating personal and professional growth, goal setting, and action planning. It helps individuals gain clarity, develop strategies, and make progress towards their objectives. Coaches typically use evidence-based methodologies, psychological frameworks, and practical tools to support clients in achieving specific outcomes.

    On the other hand, spiritual direction centers on exploring one's spiritual journey, deepening their connection with God, and seeking guidance in matters of faith and spirituality. Spiritual directors provide a safe space for individuals to reflect, discern, and cultivate their relationship with the sacred. They may draw from religious traditions, contemplative practices, and intuitive wisdom to support clients on their spiritual path.

    While coaching and spiritual direction have distinct focuses, they often overlap, especially when individuals seek guidance that integrates both personal growth and spiritual development. We offer a combination of coaching and spiritual direction, tailoring their approach to meet the unique needs and aspirations of their clients.

  • The duration of the coaching process can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of your goals, the level of support you require, and the frequency of coaching sessions. Coaching engagements can span a few months to a year or more, depending on the depth of the desired transformation and the pace at which you prefer to progress.

    Typically, coaching involves an initial phase of establishing rapport, clarifying goals, and identifying areas for growth. Subsequently, you and your coach will work together to create a tailored action plan and implement strategies to move you towards your objectives. Throughout the coaching journey, regular sessions are conducted to assess progress, provide accountability, and make adjustments as necessary.

    It's important to note that coaching is a dynamic and iterative process, and the timeline can be adjusted to meet your evolving needs and circumstances. Your coach will collaborate with you to determine a suitable duration for your coaching engagement, ensuring that it aligns with your goals, resources, and desired outcomes.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.